About The National Minority Quality Forum

The National Minority Quality Forum (the Forum) is a Washington, DC-based not-for-profit, non-partisan, independent research and education organization founded in 1998 that is dedicated to improving the quality of health care that is available for and provided to all populations.  The Forum is headquartered in downtown Washington, DC, minutes from Capitol Hill, all major federal agencies, and Fortune 500 corporate offices located in the Washington metropolitan area.

The Forum is guided by a set of principles designed to assure that the American health care research, financing and delivery system:

  • Is inclusive of, and assigns equal value to, the health care and health status of all populations in the United States;
  • Creates market incentives for research and innovation that are responsive to changing population demographics; and
  • Places the quality and efficacy of patient care, rather than cost, at the center of the clinical decision-making process.

The Forum recognizes the need for a credible, objective and reliable source of integrated data and expertise to strengthen national, state, and local efforts to improve the quality of health care that is available to and accessible by all populations in the United States.  In support of this mission, the Forum has pioneered the study of health care consumption patterns for people living with chronic disease.

The Forum informs public and private sector policy and program initiatives with research, analysis, and state-of-the-art geo-mapping that are supported by a proprietary data warehouse containing vital statistics, demographics, provider claims, prescribing patterns, clinical laboratory values, and other essential data elements for every zip code in the country.

The Forum has developed ZCAP® – a comprehensive proprietary database comprised of over 800 million patient-level records.  The Forum has consolidated ZCAP® data sources into user-friendly, web-based disease indexes and atlases that provide a unique view of chronic and acute conditions at the national, state, county, congressional and state legislative district, MSA and zip code levels.  These online, password-protected resources offer the Forum’s subscribers an unprecedented objective and reliable source of integrated prevalence and cost data.

National Minority Quality Forum
Clinical Trial Engagement Network Map Childhood Obesity MapHIV Z-Atlas: Peripheral Arterial Disease Atlas Map Lung Cancer Index Z-Atlas: Chronic Kidney Disease AFIB Index Cardiometabolic Health Aliance Minority Diabetes Coalition U.S. Diabetes Index County Edition U.S. Diabetes Index Research Edition Medicare Index Medicare Index Stroke Edition About The Minority Stroke Working Group Hepatitis C Disease Index Lead Risk Index Map MRSA StrokePAD Minority Index The South Texas Diabetes Initiative Minority Stroke Consortium YouTube NMQF Videos IPAB Action Center National Health Index

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