What is the U.S. Diabetes Index?

The U.S. Diabetes Index (USDI) provides real-time information about diabetics, their care, and the trends that are shaping the diabetes market in the United States.  The USDI is built to be the national index by which diabetes in America is measured.  It consists of over 30,000 tables, maps, charts and graphs by market segment (a comprehensive selection of geographies segmented by race/ethnicity, age and gender) for the years 2000-2009.  Additional years will be added as the underlying data becomes available.

The USDI is a comprehensive online tool that reports on the prevalence of prediabetes; prevalence of diabetes; the cost of the epidemic; clinical information about diabetics (such as aggregated HbA1c, eGFR, hypertensive, BMI, etc); the attitudes and opinions that are shaping how diabetics are coping with their disease; location of diabetes clinicians; and how variations in the utilization of diabetic products and services are impacting outcomes and costs – national, region, state, county, MSA, zip code, and congressional and state legislative districts, further segmented by race/ethnicity, age and gender, for the years 2000-2009.  To inquire about an annual subscription, please contact Gary Puckrein at gpuckrein@nmqf.org or 845-371-7201.

USDI South Texas Edition

The South Texas edition of the USDI is available directly from this website without a subscription.  It is a comprehensive online tool that reports on the prevalence of diabetes and the total number of people living with diabetes within the South Texas (Cameron, Hidalgo, Starr and Willacy counties), segmented by race/ethnicity, age and gender, for the years 2000-2009.

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